Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Incredible Hulk - Spoiler Free

Hulk smash box office records. Well not exactly and maybe after the huge success that was Iron Man the Incredible Hulk came out to fast or the public maybe a little saturated with the men in tights. Don’t forget the Dark Knight and Hellboy II are also on the horizon. And Iron Man was a colossal success. But I digress …

The Incredible Hulk was a fun summer movie that stayed true to the characters and did not make the audience sit through another origin story. Twenty minutes into the film and you realized right away that this will definitely be a different experience than Ang Lee’s 2003 attempt and the jolly green man.

The movie actually felt like The Bourne Identity with Bruce Banner in the role of Jason Bourne, and it works. Your adrenaline pumps from the very beginning and really does not let up until the end.

It is a classic Hulk story with the military on his heels and a few homages to the television show with an old-school TV clip of Bill Bixby and a cameo by Lou Ferrigno.

Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, William Hurt, Tim Roth and Tim Blake Nelson all deliver excellent performances. Norton does a very understated job and was an excellent casting choice for this film. And the CGI team that worked on the Hulk were amazing. The range of emotions you could see in the Hulk’s eyes, which were generally tortured were amazing. You feel real sympathy for his character – no easy task.

In the end, I recommend this film that is suitable for all ages. Make sure you have a smashing good time, because that is what this movie is about.

And one last thing, this time you do not have to remain in your seats until the end of the credits, the Robert Downey, Jr. cameo is at the end of the film, before the credits roll – thank you very much.