Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Second Look ...

This week I would like to take a look at Vertigo's Madame Xanadu written by Matt Wagner and drawn by Amy Reeder Hadley. With five issues in the bank this series has moved along quite nicely. Each month's issue features a solo story which has quietly become part of a much larger arc.

I credit both creators for keeping my interest in this book. Wagner has developed a unique idea and get you to care about its central character - Madame Xanadu, an immortal fairy with waning powers.

Each issue is completely different than the last and Wagner is using the passage of time very well to tell a story that spans the centuries.

Also, Wagner has added in a twist in the tale with The Phantom Stranger. Is he friend or foe for a smitten-Madame Xanadu? I for one am very interested to see where this part of the story goes.

Hadley's pencils, accompanied by Richard Friend's inks, are masterful. The detail is clean and this book has a much more vibrant look to it than other muddy Vertigo titles. For me, art is such an important part to the storytelling process that it sometimes distracts from a great story.

The next issue of Madame Xanadu, #6, will feature a Vertigo fan-favorite in Death from The Sandman in what promises to be another exciting chapter in this new-born title.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Five – November 19

In another light week there were not many books that got me thinking, but these next five did achieve the trick. One surprising note is that they are all mainstream titles, three Marvel and two DC. As always, spoiler free, enjoy and

Fantastic Four #561 My actual selection of the week, Mark Millar’s run on Fantastic Four began with not much excitement as it seemed he was laying the groundwork for his 16-month journey with artist Bryan Hitch. However, if you ignore his first arc all together you will miss an important ingredient in this latest storyline which I believe featured its penultimate issue with the death of the Invisible Woman. Don’t worry, it’s not a spoiler and it is actually in the title of issue #561.

This latest arc has been good and interesting with the Defenders and their leader who was revealed last issue to be future and older Sue Storm, taking out her ex-teammates and Dr. Doom. The question is why did she do that? Also, the question on everyone lips, well at least mine going into the comic, was which Sue dies (and of course how does she perish)? Wait until you get a load of what happens.

This issue reads fast and it is mostly because the pacing is superb by Millar, who has been juggling some books of late. All four members have their moments in this issue which is sure to please core fans and new ones alike.

Amazing Spider-Man #578 Let me go on the record as one of many stating that I was never a big fan of One New Day. Loved the actual story by JMS, hated the concept and resolution. Plus the first few issues of Brand New Day just reminded me of what we lost from the last 10 years. That being said Spidey is good again. The stories have been solid and we have had a bountiful run these past few months. Plus, we get three issues a month instead of one, the comic Gods must be smiling on us.

This latest arc by Mark Waid and Marcos Martin features Peter Parker having some good luck for a change, which we all know is about to end. I think when the new run focuses on day-to-day happenings in NYC (and there should be a lot), instead of Pete’s actual life, the book has been able to stay good. Issue #578 is another example of this, beginning with Pete taking the subway and once again getting hit on by an attractive and forward female (this seems to be part of the new mantra for Pete, glad he is single again because I would hate to miss these moments). But with all good things, the Spidey sense starts tingling and we are reintroduced to another long-time member of his Rogue’s gallery. Welcome back Mr … hope you enjoy the ride.

Terra #2 (of 5) Despite not wanting to like this book, I find myself enjoying it a lot. Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti are supplying fun words while Amanda Conner adds her unique talents to the story telling with her distinctive pencils. The first three pages of Issue #2 has the new Terra quite revealed and my question is – is it exploitive when the artist is a woman, and do we really care, because it is just good fun.

The mystery surrounding the new Terra deepens as does the connection with the old Terra in this issue. Along for the ride are Dr. Midnite, who has been doing yeoman’s duty of late appearing in what seems to be every DC book in the line. I wonder how much he actually gets for making house calls?

This issue we are also introduced to who we think is the big bad for the mini-series, plus once again, their half-naked friend of the female persuasion (sorry I could not resist). The pace is fast and fun and overall I continue to like this book. It actually reminds me of the Incredible Hercules, before I read it, I want to find a reason not to. But after I have finished, I can’t believe I was going to pass.

Flash #246 I have featured this book before, however this time it is under its new creative team of Alan Burnett and Carlo Barbieri? Paco Diaz handled the penciling chores the first few issues and I am not sure if this is a permanent change in the artist chair, but whatever, it’s a solid issue.

After last issue’s bee attack, Wally’s wife Linda is in serious condition and once again, its Dr. Midnite to the rescue, or sort of. This issue is all about heart and not about being a superhero as we get to take a walk through Wally’s memory lane remembering how he and the misses first met, etc., etc. Like I said, it’s got a lot of heart and is a very poignant issue. It also seems to set up a scarier read next month.

Now that I have that out of my system, I do have a question, since Wally is actually not really “flashing” in this issue, why does he need to walk around Linda’s bedside in his costume? I just think he would be more comfortable in regular clothes (c’mon, you know you were thinking it also). Also, Dr. Midnite only seems be a doctor in his costume as well, actually operating in costume in another book over the past few weeks. Do they really think we as readers would not be that smart as to figure out who they are? I need some reality in my fantasy – but I digress.

Uncanny X-Men #504 I looked at this cover, which is nicely done by the way, from Terry Dodson and thought oh please, another reason to draw the X-babes in a sexy way. Really? Is this what we have come to now for the X-books? But the answer was not what I was suspecting. First, this is the Matt Fraction has solo writing credits and it sort of feels that way as well. He did a nice job with the story which balances two main plot points, what is going on in Scott’s head (once again, although the reveal is worth the wait) and once again humanizing Peter in light of the demise of Kitty.

Pete’s having a real hard time, and just when it seems he finally turns the corner, he does something very un-hero like which reminded me just how human he is, especially when he spent most of the issue not being human.

So there are my five for the week. I enjoyed all of these immensely and look forward to the stories continuing. Until next time.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Second Look …

Greetings and welcome to a brand new feature on Brave New, our “Second Look,” which is basically me blogging about what comics are tickling my fancy and why. Generally these books are running under the radar but are deserving of attention. So, you know the drill, if you want to know more, click here.

For our first installment I have decided to take a closer peek on two books – Incredible Hercules and Captain Britain and MI:13.

Incredible Herc began its life actually as the Incredible Hulk. However with the birth of a new Hulk title (simply-titled Hulk), the powers that be at Marvel decided to hand over the existing titles reign to a longtime supporting character in the Marvel U, Hercules. Now with Amadeus Cho in tow, Hercules is back on the map.

I have to admit, I am surprised at how well each issue is produced. Fred Van Lente and Greg Pak have done a marvelous job scripting this title and have made us care about what is happening. I think the most important ingredient injected by the duo is heart.

At the end of each issue, I can not help but notice how touching and thoughtful the story was. There is always something that leaves me thinking about it. I also believe the relationship between Herc and Cho is also a strong one that is grounded in true friendship, and that translates in the pages as well.

And now for something completely different, let’s take a look at another supporting character getting another shot in the Marvel U. Captain Britain has been around, most recently in Excalibur. And I was that X-guy back in the day that when Excalibur started I was right on board. There were some good stories, but nothing in it ever made me a huge fan of the Union Jack wearer.

What started as a read because it tied into Secret Invasion has turned into something more as issue #7 just hit stands this past week. Paul Cornell makes me want more and more. I am completely satisfied after reading every issue, and am beginning to care about the characters as a whole. And any book that can bring back the Black Knight and also find a role for Blade can’t be all that bad.

Each month these titles come out, I always find a hand full of books I want to read before turning through these two. And every month after reading through almost everything I sit and think how good Incredible Hercules and Captain Britain end up being, especially over the A-list comics.
Keep up the good work guys, and if you have not checked out either of these titles yet, do yourself a favor and start.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This week’s entries include two mainstream titles and three smaller company books, hooray for the little guy. In a week with a lot of milestone and big titles, it was the “other” ones that got it done for me. So without further fuss, her are my five picks for the week, spoiler free of course.

Action Comics #871 The fourth part of the New Krypton is my “official” selection of the week, as have three of the previous titles in the saga thus far. The story progresses as last we saw Kal-El led a delegation of New Kryptonians to meet his peeps in Metropolis when all sorts of funny stuff broke out (of course). Without giving anything away, lets just say in this issue, the plot thickens. Enjoy.

Star Trek Mirror Images #4 IDW has done some masterful work with its Star Trek titles and this one continues in the same vein as the rise of Kirk to power in the Mirror Universe culminates and concludes. While these books are not canon, they certainly make a lot of sense in connecting the dots to some classic original episodes. And Italian-artist David Messina’s likeliness’ are uncanny.

Fables #78 Four months ago in the conclusion of the war, Bill Willingham promised repercussions that would affect the Fables far into the future. The war might have been won, but this month we learn at what true cost (and this is only the beginning). That said, I have not had as much fun reading a character since the Joker when in this issue I was introduced to Mister Dark!

I Hate Gallant Girl #1 Meet Renee. Since she was a little girl she has dreamt of being a super-hero, which means a Gallant Girl. Selected once every 10 years, Renee believes herself to be a shoo-in as she has all the attributes. Turns out all of them save one – the look. So, what is a rejected Gallant Girl to do? If you guessed become a hero anyway, you would not be wrong. An Image-Shadowline production, I Hate Gallant Girl is by Jim Valentino and Kat Cahill with pictures from Seth Damoose.

Patricia Briggs Mercy Thompson #1 Much like Anita Blake, this comic is adapted from a series of books under the same name. This time the adaptation is performed by Dabel Brothers publishing. David Lawrence works the magic with Briggs writing while the true wonder of this four-issue mini-series is the paintings by Francis Tsai – worth the price alone. The kicker is this is actually an enjoyable tale about a coyote shape-shifter raised by werewolves. And did we mention the vampires? Hooked yet?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Brave New Worlds Blog Review Has Returned

Yes, it is back, my top picks of the week after a very lengthy hiatus (don’t ask). Anyway, without further a do my top five of the week (half of them being mini-series), spoiler free as always.

X-Men and Spider-Man #1 My actual pick of the week, X-Men and Spider-Man #1 harkens back to the early days of Marvel and both Spidey and the X-Men. It is a classic Marvel story from that era as Peter Parker is hanging out with Gwen, MJ, Harry and Flash. But Kraven is on the hunt (when is he not?) and this time with a new twist that directly involves the students of a school in Westchester. Christos Gage provides the story while Mario Alberti provides the breathtaking visuals in part one of four.

Go here for a preview

Cable #8 Cable has been a slow burn since issue one, building towards something big. You can just tell. And each issue leaves me wanting more and more, which is impressive when you consider how much of a fan I am not of Cable (he just does not do it for me). That being said Duane Swierczynski has a way of writing the book that makes me care (the same can by said for his other title Iron Fist as well). The first couple of issues basically consisted of just Cable and Bishop, but now the X-Men are involved and things have started to heat up.

Gemini #3 It took a little bit of time, but Gemini #3 finally hit the shelves and was so worth the wait. Jay Faerber’s epic tale of a superhero who does not know he is a superhero continues as Gemini learns a little more about whom he actually is and what is going on all around him. By the time you get to the end you will be like, where is the rest, it’s that good.

Superman Supergirl Maelstrom #1 First thing to realize when you pick this up, don’t get stuck trying to figure out where in the DC continuity this takes place, it is obviously before Final Crisis and the Death of the New Gods. Now that we have that out of the way, Maelstrom is some low-level Apokolips lackey with delusions of Darkseid matrimony (never a good thing). So, she goes to prove her worth the only way you can with the Big D by going after the Big S. Unfortunately she has to settle for the S in the skirt. But this issue is so much more as Jimmy Palmiotti and Justine gray provide the first glimpse of what we can really expect from this five issue mini-series.

Invincible Iron Man #7 Where Director of Shield fails, Matt Fraction allows Invincible Iron Man to deliver. This issue features a guest spot by your friendly neighborhood web-head and the aftermath of the first six-issue arc, very poignant and well done.

Final Crisis Resist First let me remind everyone that in the beginning I was so a Final Crisis hater. However upon further review this is a pretty good series and for my money as fun as the main Secret Invasion title is, FC delivers more issue for issue, especially in its tie-ins. Resist is just that, how the resistance is doing against the Anti-Life equation (not well) and just what drastic measures they are prepared to do to win. This issue leads directly back into the main series, so you don’t want to miss it.

Sandman: Dream Hunters #1 This is a bonus review that some could say was 10 years in the re-making. An original Sandman story from Neil Gaiman from 1999, P. Craig Russell has decided to adapt the original text and provide all new artwork. The story delivers as always and the art work is phenomenal. If you read the original with illustrations by Yoshitake Amano, pick up this four-issue series for a new twist on a classic.