Monday, May 19, 2008

Iron Man - Spoiler Free

Twenty-four hours ago I finished watching the latest Marvel movie-offering, Iron Man. It was good, real good. The best way to sum up the experience is this, I can not wait until the next one comes out. So let's take a spoiler-free look at what is definitely one of the better superhero movies to come out, as well as a strong-origin flick.

First, Robert Downey Jr. has Tony Stark down pat. As confident as I was that he would make an excellent Stark, that confidence was only strengthened as I watched Downey behave as I believe Stark would. As I have been fond of saying since news of his casting was first released, Downey was born to play this role.

Second, Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts was excellent casting. She was the one person who seemed a little out of place. Not that Paltrow could not handle the role, its just I never really could envisioned the star of Shakespeare in Love in a comic-book movie. Well, any reservations I had about her were silenced almost immediately when Pepper skillfully "takes out the trash" so to speak when Tony is called away from a late-night conquest early in the film.

The chemistry between Downey and Paltrow in the unrequited love that Stark and Potts have for each other was masterful. Its all I can really say to describe the emotion the two were able to convey. Its as if they were both Stark and Potts, and going back and forth with one another for years.

Jon Favreau did a masterful job directing this film. His choices in interpretation of Jarvis was and excellent one that worked and should make fans happy how he was able to keep the character and also update him.

As for the story, it was strong. Favreau actually starts the movie at one point, than rewinds about 36 hours to show you how events lead to Stark's current situation as the film opens. There are a lot of scenes of Downey designing and building the Iron Man armor, and clocking in just over two hours this movie could have dragged, but it never did.

Finally, if you have not seen it yet, make sure you stay in your seats when the credits begin to roll, as Marvel has been apt to do lately, they stash a final scene at the end of the credits, and it is worth sticking around for.

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