Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Five – November 19

In another light week there were not many books that got me thinking, but these next five did achieve the trick. One surprising note is that they are all mainstream titles, three Marvel and two DC. As always, spoiler free, enjoy and

Fantastic Four #561 My actual selection of the week, Mark Millar’s run on Fantastic Four began with not much excitement as it seemed he was laying the groundwork for his 16-month journey with artist Bryan Hitch. However, if you ignore his first arc all together you will miss an important ingredient in this latest storyline which I believe featured its penultimate issue with the death of the Invisible Woman. Don’t worry, it’s not a spoiler and it is actually in the title of issue #561.

This latest arc has been good and interesting with the Defenders and their leader who was revealed last issue to be future and older Sue Storm, taking out her ex-teammates and Dr. Doom. The question is why did she do that? Also, the question on everyone lips, well at least mine going into the comic, was which Sue dies (and of course how does she perish)? Wait until you get a load of what happens.

This issue reads fast and it is mostly because the pacing is superb by Millar, who has been juggling some books of late. All four members have their moments in this issue which is sure to please core fans and new ones alike.

Amazing Spider-Man #578 Let me go on the record as one of many stating that I was never a big fan of One New Day. Loved the actual story by JMS, hated the concept and resolution. Plus the first few issues of Brand New Day just reminded me of what we lost from the last 10 years. That being said Spidey is good again. The stories have been solid and we have had a bountiful run these past few months. Plus, we get three issues a month instead of one, the comic Gods must be smiling on us.

This latest arc by Mark Waid and Marcos Martin features Peter Parker having some good luck for a change, which we all know is about to end. I think when the new run focuses on day-to-day happenings in NYC (and there should be a lot), instead of Pete’s actual life, the book has been able to stay good. Issue #578 is another example of this, beginning with Pete taking the subway and once again getting hit on by an attractive and forward female (this seems to be part of the new mantra for Pete, glad he is single again because I would hate to miss these moments). But with all good things, the Spidey sense starts tingling and we are reintroduced to another long-time member of his Rogue’s gallery. Welcome back Mr … hope you enjoy the ride.

Terra #2 (of 5) Despite not wanting to like this book, I find myself enjoying it a lot. Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti are supplying fun words while Amanda Conner adds her unique talents to the story telling with her distinctive pencils. The first three pages of Issue #2 has the new Terra quite revealed and my question is – is it exploitive when the artist is a woman, and do we really care, because it is just good fun.

The mystery surrounding the new Terra deepens as does the connection with the old Terra in this issue. Along for the ride are Dr. Midnite, who has been doing yeoman’s duty of late appearing in what seems to be every DC book in the line. I wonder how much he actually gets for making house calls?

This issue we are also introduced to who we think is the big bad for the mini-series, plus once again, their half-naked friend of the female persuasion (sorry I could not resist). The pace is fast and fun and overall I continue to like this book. It actually reminds me of the Incredible Hercules, before I read it, I want to find a reason not to. But after I have finished, I can’t believe I was going to pass.

Flash #246 I have featured this book before, however this time it is under its new creative team of Alan Burnett and Carlo Barbieri? Paco Diaz handled the penciling chores the first few issues and I am not sure if this is a permanent change in the artist chair, but whatever, it’s a solid issue.

After last issue’s bee attack, Wally’s wife Linda is in serious condition and once again, its Dr. Midnite to the rescue, or sort of. This issue is all about heart and not about being a superhero as we get to take a walk through Wally’s memory lane remembering how he and the misses first met, etc., etc. Like I said, it’s got a lot of heart and is a very poignant issue. It also seems to set up a scarier read next month.

Now that I have that out of my system, I do have a question, since Wally is actually not really “flashing” in this issue, why does he need to walk around Linda’s bedside in his costume? I just think he would be more comfortable in regular clothes (c’mon, you know you were thinking it also). Also, Dr. Midnite only seems be a doctor in his costume as well, actually operating in costume in another book over the past few weeks. Do they really think we as readers would not be that smart as to figure out who they are? I need some reality in my fantasy – but I digress.

Uncanny X-Men #504 I looked at this cover, which is nicely done by the way, from Terry Dodson and thought oh please, another reason to draw the X-babes in a sexy way. Really? Is this what we have come to now for the X-books? But the answer was not what I was suspecting. First, this is the Matt Fraction has solo writing credits and it sort of feels that way as well. He did a nice job with the story which balances two main plot points, what is going on in Scott’s head (once again, although the reveal is worth the wait) and once again humanizing Peter in light of the demise of Kitty.

Pete’s having a real hard time, and just when it seems he finally turns the corner, he does something very un-hero like which reminded me just how human he is, especially when he spent most of the issue not being human.

So there are my five for the week. I enjoyed all of these immensely and look forward to the stories continuing. Until next time.

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