Thursday, December 4, 2008

How About a Six Pack This Week?

Instead of my normal five comic book reviews, this week I give you a six-pack. And sorry about missing last week’s books, there was some good stuff there, but I got tied up with all that delicious turkey and pumpkin pie.

My actual pick this week is the long-awaited return of Illyana Rasputin in X-Infernus #1. Last we saw Colossus’ little snowflake, she was taking a piece of Pixie’s soul to help the New X-Men. That was 18 long months ago and it turns out Pixie is all sorts of messed up from the experience as Nightcrawler finds out in issue one.

My friend and I were a little nervous about this mini-series because we are such big fans of Magik/Darkchilde, but C.B. Cebulski put our fears to rest with a spectacular introduction. The stage is set as Illyana is looking for her lost soul sword (do you remember where, or in whom, she left it?), but another player has come out to challenge her for the rule of Limbo. Giuseppi Camuncoli provides solid pictures.

As one mini-series, another (sort of) ends in Secret Invasion #8. This has been a tough ride because for me it always seemed like not much was happening each month. There was always one big wow moment in each issue. Well, the conclusion put any ill feelings out the door for me as Brian Michael Bendis delivered an epic story.

When last we saw our heroes and the Skrulls, they were getting ready to battle it out in NYC. However, the battle is done when we get issue eight in our needy hands (this was the first book I read this week). I thought it was a brilliant stroke of story telling to narrate what had happened and what we missed. The entire story was well done, but the last panel was the pay-off moment that no one can say they were expecting.

Now to find out what happens, we must read Dark Reign, but really, who is complaining about that?

Let’s stay in the Marvel U and NYC and take a look at how our friendly neighborhood wall crawler is doing in Amazing Spider-Man #579. When we last saw him he was trying to save a bunch of jurors in a mob trial from the Shocker and a subway cave-in. Mark Waid’s two-part story concludes and continues the fun from the previous book. Marcos Martin adds his unique pencils which really work for me on this book.

As maligned as Brand New Day is (and my aforementioned friend made a good point, could this story been told with Spidey married) the best stories that have come out of the relaunch have been the ones that just concentrate on Spidey being Spidey and not Peter Parker’s messed up life. They are good stories, but eventually we will lose out what makes this character so special and that is Pete’s messed up life.

I am going to cap off a heavy Marvel-favorite week with Cable #9. My boy Duane Swierczynski continues to give me those I can’t believe Bishop just did that moment as this week our favorite time-travelling betrayer plays the X-Men and gives them a nice little treat in his effort to find Cable. Bishop has attempted a scorched Earth technique destroying the future so Cable has no where to hide.

Turns out Bishop did not need to do a lot of work as Cable’s recent hiding place has been infiltrated and he needs to teach the little red-head girl (Rachel Summers anyone?) how to be a soldier. Boy does she make a Daddy proud. As always, Duane gives us another great chapter in this story and I SO can not wait for the next issue.

For the second time in three weeks, I have to give the nod to Image Comics I Hate Gallant Girl. Issue two continues to deliver as Renee begins her crime-fighting career with a new moniker. And it really is making Gallant Girl mad. Jim Valention plotted this baby out and Kat Cahill filled in the rest of the words and by issue’s end you will not have any thing figured out.

I really like this mini-series so far and I can not believe it is only three issues. I am going to be disappointed when it ends. A good old-fashioned comic book story, Gallant Girl also has a great message to young girls about body image.

And to wrap it up I go with a DC kid’s comics, Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade #1. Granted, I am a super-whore when it comes to Superman and Supergirl (although I am having a real hard time getting through Superman/Supergirl Maelstrom – ugh!). Anyway, the eight grade version of Kara is fun. Remember, it’s a kids comics, try not to take it too seriously and enjoy it for what it is, you will not be disappointed.

That’s it for now …

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