Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Five (Plus One Yo)

It is a dark time in the world of comics. (I felt like old Ben Kenobi just then, except I am not talking about the Rebellion or the Empire, but then again maybe I am). Anyhow, with both the Marvel and DC comic ‘verses plunged into Dark Reign and Faces of Evil things are just plain bleak right now on some of our favorite comic pages. Thus begins my five picks of the week …

If you are not familiar with my weekly reviews, let me begin by stating that they are always spoiler free. I very rarely get into specifics on the book lest to give something away before the audience gets to read them.

By nature, I am a pretty cheerful and positive sort and all this evil that is afoot and in charge brings me down a little bit. I know for some in comicdom this is a dream come true with the villains ruling the roost. And it’s not like we have not been teased with the Old Man Logan storyline or Kingdom Come. That being said, there were some real good stories this week with some real nasty individuals in the middle of things.

My pick of the week is a toss up between Faces of Evil Deathstroke and Dark Avengers #1. I was not prepared to like the Deathstroke book in the least bit and to be honest the only real reason I even gave it a go was because Georges Jeanty was supplying the artwork. Mark McKenna’s inks do not do Jeanty’s pencils justice, but it was still enough to get by. David Hine meanwhile was crafting a masterpiece on old Slade, who last we saw was dying after his encounter with Geo-Force on the pages of DC Last Will and Testament. FOE was a nice follow up to a not so great first story.

For fans of Deathstroke, you will be happy because everyone’s favorite DC Assassin is back baby, and possibly more dangerous than ever when we get to the last page. Of course there are family issues to wrestle out in this one before the Terminator can move on, but honestly, when are there not issues in that family?

Meanwhile, another evil dude – storming Norman Osborn – is just getting started at the havoc he is capable of playing in the Marvel hood. Brian Michael Bendis is at it again. How does someone who writes so many titles get it so right with everything he touches? Mike Deodato’s art works perfectly with this story. To be honest I thought the issue was going to be Tony Stark getting the gang back together to go after Osborn. I could not have been more wrong on so many levels. Trust me this is one issue you don’t want to miss.

Next is another book I was not ready to like. I am not a big Dan Slott guy, just never have been. I pretty much stayed away from his entire run of Avengers Initiative and only grudgingly read his Amazing Spidey issues. This week, the Scarlet Witch was on the cover so I had to find out what’s what. And it looks like Mighty Avengers is going to be existing on its own from the other books for awhile. And from the looks of this week’s issue #21, it is going to be fun. Khoi Pham supplied the understated pencils and did his usual bang up job.

Coming in this week at number four is a shocker as well. I tagged Justice League of America #29 by Len Wein with a story on Starbreaker. The only real reason I liked this issue was because it felt like such an old school tale – might have had something to do with Wein penning the title this month. It was just good to see the old JLA back in action with orange and green uniform Aqauman, pre-married Ollie and Canary, and oh yeah the Atom Baby! But wait, there’s more. As much fun the old tale was, the last two pages and its reveal pay it off even bigger for the next issue. I can say no more.

Last but not least are two titles. That’s right I am going with a tie for fifth place. Unlike my previous occupation which frowned on ties, I am going with the tie. To stay with the theme of this article once again I was so not wanting to read this comic or expecting to like it. Although the latter is a lie but we will get to that in a second. Punisher Frank Castle #66 came out this week written by Duane Swiercyznski.

Not to name drop, who am I kidding let’s name drop away. Duane frequents the store I work in a bit. We got to talking and he told me about his upcoming arc on Punisher and that it was going to take place in Philly. Remember how I am not a Slott guy, well I am even less a Punisher guy. The only time in comics that I even liked the character was when Captain America was kicking his ass in Civil War. I just don’t care for the title.

But a funny thing happens to me when the name Swiercyznski is on the cover, I have to read it. I never really liked Cable, but have been enjoying the current run immensely by our aforementioned writer. Iron Fist is immortal, who cares. Well, Swiercyznski makes me care. So there we have it, the slippery slope that is the Punisher. Still don’t care for the character after reading this issue, but loved the story and where it’s going.

What title tied this week for a mention on my Top Five, well that would be Angel After the Fall #16 or Season Five of the television show. IDW has given it the old college try. This title is not as strong or good as Buffy Season Eight, but it still gives me more stories in the world of Whedon and for that I am grateful. This month’s issue sort of hits a reset button and I hope after meandering around for a year and a half that Brian Lynch will finally takes us somewhere. And please keep Franco Urru on the art or bring David Messina over, otherwise just don’t publish for that month because no one else in the IDW pen can really get the likenesses down that well.

That’s it for this week boys and girls. Don’t know if you agree or not, but hopefully they and I will keep you entertained.

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